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Upgrading RouterOS from Version 6 to 7 with Fleet Commander

Upgrading from RouterOS v6 to v7 is a significant transition, bringing major changes and improvements. However, due to these updates, some incompatibilitiescurrently exist within our Admiral Dashboard, which can lead to broken configurations or deployments on certain device types.

At this time, Admiral Firmware Manager does not officially support upgrading from ROS v6 to v7. We are actively working on updates to enable this functionality. In the meantime, if you need to upgrade, you can follow the unofficial workaround outlined below.

⚠️ Important Notes Before Upgrading:

Unofficial Upgrade Process

Step 1: Ensure RouterOS v6 is Up-to-Date

Upgrade your devices to the latest stable release of RouterOS v6 (6.49.18) using Admiral Firmware Manager.

Step 2: Set the Upgrade Channel

Use Fleet Commander or a command-line tool to set the upgrade channel on all devices. Run the following command:

/system package update set channel=upgrade

Step 3: Perform the Upgrade

In the Admiral Dashboard, select the routers you wish to upgrade and set them to Latest Available. When the update is executed, the devices should:

  • Upgrade to RouterOS 7.12.1
  • Change the update channel to Stable

Step 4: Clear Error Message in Admiral Firmware Manager

After the upgrade, you may see an error message in the Admiral Firmware This occurs because the system is looking for the most recent package (7.18.2), even though the update was successful. Simply clear the error message from the Admiral Firmware Page to proceed.

**Known Issue:

Firmware History Report will say success status is failed because it’s looking for the most recent package(7.18.2). 

Post-Upgrade Management

Once the upgrade is complete, you can use Firmware Manager to update your devices to other RouterOS v7 versions as needed.

🚀 We are continuing to improve Admiral Dashboard compatibility with RouterOS v7. Stay tuned for future updates that will streamline the upgrade process!

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