About a year ago (March 7, 2024), some amazing gentlemen (Lorenzo Busatti - Italy, Jaromir…

WISPAmerica 2023 Recap
The RemoteWinBox team spent the last week in Louisville, Kentucky attending WISPAmerica 2023. We had a lot of fun at the conference, ate lots of great food, and learned so much.
Here’s 3 things that the team learned at WISPAmerica
1. Meaningful Integrations for Our Customers
Since our last conference, our team has worked on integrations with Team Cymru, Powercode, and now Sonar. We know the value of having great businesses come together and provide for customers alike. We spent a lot of our conversations discussing what other software, companies, and platforms we should consider integrating within RemoteWinBox. The team has come back with a ton of ideas, connections, and actions to make to further our platform integration variety.
2. Minim Users – We’ve Got Your Back!
We noticed a lot of attendees wandering about the show floor on the hunt for a Minim alternative. We hope you came to meet us at our booth! Our team has been working with Minim to help create a solution for easy conversions. As Minim closes its door to Home Network Management Solutions, we hope the WISP community knows they can count on us to continue that support. Our platform provides Subscriber Self-Care for safe and simple home network monitoring.
Did we mention that some of our team were part of the Aerez project and worked at Minim? …. Just saying…. We know a few things!
3. Kentucky has some awesome cuisine!
Aside from great conversations and learning from the sessions, our team was really pleased to try some new dishes. Our team is located in North Dakota, so getting a chance for some yummy foods to try like the never-ending meats from Brazeiros and the sides and street tacos from Merle’s Whisky Kitchen is a special treat to us. We particularly loved the perfectly cooked and seasoned tacos, unbelievably creamy mashed potatoes, honey cornbread and spicy chicken from Merle’s. Hopefully, you got a chance to try something new, too!

This year’s WISPAmerica had a great turnout, with 1,232 attendees, 150+ speakers, and 48 sessions that ranged from marketing and business to fiber and advanced tech.
Our team got to speak on some of the panels!
Integrating a Network You Just Bought, Network Topologies, Home WiFi – It is Not Your Problem, But It Is

RemoteWinBox contributed to a WISPA donation to support the fight against cancer. WISPA has held several online charity auctions during WISPA events to help raise money for community members in need. This year at WISPAmerica, a charity auction was created for Glenn Kelly, a father of six in need of brain surgery. Many vendors and attendees share generosity through donating products, services, and more to be bid on. All the proceeds will go to help Glenn with his fight. We wish him the best and hope he knows how many people are cheering him on.
Our team is happy to be a part of an industry with a great community and so much knowledge within it.
We look forward to WISPApalooza in the fall! Hope to see you there!