Access your device’s Command Line Interface from your browser, from anywhere in the world with Admiral Web SSH!

Web SSH brings your device’s CLI into your browser using the Admiral dashboard and the MikroTik’s SSH Service. Quickly run commands on a single device from anywhere that you have access to your dashboard. You can limit which users have access to this feature with Groups/Permissions, or disable it completely on dedicated instances.
To bulk-run commands on multiple devices instantly or scheduled for the future, check out our Fleet Commander feature!
Use Admiral Web SSH to access your Device’s CLI #
To use Web SSH on a device, navigate to it’s Router Health page, and select the “Web SSH” tab. Here are details steps
Access Web SSH from Router List #
- Using Filters or the Search, locate the router that you want to SSH to
- Click on the Blue “Router Health” button under “Actions”
- Click on the “Web SSH” Tab as seen in the screenshot above
- Wait 4 to 6 seconds for connection to form
- You are now ready to enter commands as you normally would in the CLI
Access Web SSH from Router Health #
- Using the Search bar and listing on the right side of the page, locate and select the router you want to SSH to
- Click on the “Web SSH” Tab as seen in the screenshot above
- Wait 4 to 6 seconds for connection to form
- You are now ready to enter commands as you normally would in the CLI
Troubleshoot Web SSH #
Check SSH Service #
To use Web SSH, the SSH Service must be enabled and allow connections to the Admiral server that your devices connects to. You can check by finding Admiral’s VPN Network IP using this command:
/ip address print
And check if the IP address from the “Network” column is allowed to communicate over the SSH port using this command:
/ip service print
Unless the “available from” list is empty, if the Admiral Network (The VPN Tunnel’s concentrator IP) is not in the allowed list, you will need to add it. This IP will always be an RFC 1918 address.
It is also possible that your firewall blocks access to the service for our system. Since firewalls are very custom, it is your responsibility to ensure our service can talk to your device over the tunnel, through your firewall.
SSH Strong Crypto Configuration #
This feature supports Strong Crypto and will work normally if it is enabled.
SSH Non-standard Port #
This feature can support non-standard SSH Ports, but if you update the port on a device, it may take up to a day for our system to recognize and adjust. You may force rediscovery using the “Rediscover Router” button.
API Private Key #
If you have applied a private key to the API user, you may need to contact our support team to get Web SSH working. contact us here:
Replaced Device #
If the device you are attempting to Web SSH to is not the original but has been replaced with a backup, you may need to contact our support team to clear old SSH fingerprinting. Contact us here:
Session Closed! Message #
If you see the message “Session Closed!” instead of the terminal, refresh the page. If you are still seeing this error, make sure that the SSH Service is enabled and allows our service to communicate with your router. If you are still having trouble, you may need to contact our support team. Contact us here:
Control Access to Admiral Web SSH #
Certain dashboard features have permissions that can control which users can use the feature. Dashboard Admins always have access to all features, so to limit a user, they cannot be a Dashboard Admin. To make changes to which groups can access Admiral Web SSH:
- In the left menu of the dashboard, select “Users Manager”
- Select “Groups/Permissions”
- Click on the “Edit” button next to the group you want to edit
- Select or deselect “Web SSH”
- Click “Save Group”
- These permissions are now in affect
Dedicated Admiral instances can completely block Web SSH access. Reach out to our support team to disable it. Contact us here:
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