Backup Manager takes once daily backups for all of your MikroTik hardware managed with Admiral Platform/RemoteWinBox.
This software stores 30 days worth of daily backups and one year of monthly backups, with access through the Admiral Platform/RemoteWinBox portal.
Backup Manager Dashboard #
After subscribing to Admiral Platform/RemoteWinBox, all routers will be enabled for backups. Use the Backups Enabled toggle to turn off automatic backups.

Backups on Demand #
Create a current backup by clicking on the green button labeled “Create New Backup”.
View/Compare Backups #
Select the date of the backup and select view or download. Click compare to view side-by-side configuration files.
Search #
Click the search button on the backups screen to get to an input form to search the most recent backup for all routers in the dashboard. Enter a search term and hit enter to see a list of results.