Minim Users – Have No Fear! #

To migrate your MikroTiks from Minim to RemoteWinbox you will need the following:
- Your Minim account (I like to use a split screen with Minim on the left side)
- Your RemoteWinBox account (I like to put RWB on the right side. No RWB account yet? (Click here)
- MikroTik WinBox (or WinBox4MAC)
Once you’re logged in to both dashboards, you’re ready to get started!
- In your Minim dashboard, select the MikroTik to migrate from Minim to RemoteWinBox
- In your RWB dashboard, on the left menu select ROUTER LISTING and click ADD ROUTER
- Fill out the form including any useful data, such as router nickname, address, and any notes (remember, notes are searchable!)
*** note: the only item you MUST add is the nickname
- Click submit and you’ll be presented with a unique configuration for this 1 MikroTik. Next, click the papers icon
to copy this configuration to your clipboard
- In the Minim dashboard, click to open the WEB SSH CLIENT
IMPORTANT: use RIGHT CLICK — PASTE. Do NOT use CTRL + V. (MikroTiks don’t think CTRL-V means paste!)
***note: you’ll now create a user account for logging in with WinBox. It’s important to use a strong password!!!
- Type the following into the Minim web SSH client:
/user add group=full user={{your_name}} password={{some_super_strong_pass_that_you_remember}}
*** note: Within 1 minute, the router should show online () in the RWB dashboard. Within 5 minutes RWB will start collecting historical stats and other details.
- At the bottom of the RWB configuration page is a URL for connecting to this MikroTik. It will look something like with a click to copy icon (
) next to it. Click to copy the URL to your clipboard.
- Open WinBox (or WinBox4MAC) and paste the URL in the CONNECT TO box, enter your name and password from step 10 above and click CONNECT
*** at this point, RemoteWinBox is working successfully! Time to remove Minim and recapture performance
- In your Minim Dashboard, click Deactivate Router under “User Settings”
- In WinBox for this router, we have several items to remove from Minim configuration.
- First, open TOOLS — PACKET SNIFFER — STREAMING and set STREAMING ENABLED to be off by removing the checkbox and then click OK
- Next, open IP — FIREWALL and remove all items that show Minim
- Close the FIREWALL window
- Turn off traffic flow by navigating to IP — TRAFFIC FLOW and uncheck the ENABLED checkbox. Click APPLY
- Further, click on TARGETS and delete the Minim target by selecting that item and clicking the red MINUS icon
- Open SYSTEM SCHEDULER and remove Minim items
- Open SYSTEM SCRIPTS and remove Minim items
- Don’t forget to click ENVIRONMENT and remove those Minim items also
- Open INTERFACES and remove the Minim L2TP and SSTP clients (make sure not to remove the RWB SSTP-client!)
- On your WIFI interfaces, remove the COMMENT (Managed by Minim)
- Open PPP — PROFILE and remove the Minim profile
And you’re done!